Crepes with Sweet Mānuka Pesto

Crepes with Sweet Mānuka Pesto

Recipe and image courtesy of Lindsay Young, @eatyoungnutrition

Gluten-free | Dairy-free

Summoning springtime with a light and bright, nutrient and antioxidant rich breakfast. Having this delicious, sweet pesto on hand adds a huge pop of flavour to any breakfast. I love any excuse to up my greens and antioxidants, and this breakfast does just that.

Time: 15 minutes
Makes: ½ cup sweet pesto and 5 crepes

Ingredients for crepes:

½ cup coconut flour
2 tbsp tapioca starch
1 tbsp ground flaxseed
2 eggs
1/3 cup + 2 tbsp plant-based milk
1 tbsp maple syrup
1 tsp vanilla extract

Ingredients for Sweet Manuka Pesto:

1 cup fresh basil, packed
½ cup cashews, soaked in warm water for 10 minutes, then drained and rinsed
¼ cup Mānuka honey
¼ cup Udo’s Oil or coconut oil, melted
2 tbsp lemon juice
Zest of a whole lemon
½ inch knob of ginger


Prepare the sweet pesto by adding all ingredients to a small food processor. Blend until smooth. Just a quick note that if you keep your cashews in the freezer like I do, make sure you soak them in warm water briefly before adding them to your food processor or you will harden your honey and it will be very difficult to blend. Keep at room temperature if you plan on using it that day. To store, keep it in the fridge in a sealed glass jar and bring back to room temperature in a water bath 15 minutes before serving.

Prepare the crepes by whisking coconut flour with tapioca starch and ground flax in a mixing bowl. Add the remainder of the ingredients and whisk well until everything is combined. The batter should be quite thin. Let it sit for five minutes while you heat up a cast iron skillet with a bit of coconut oil on it.

Measure ¼ cup of batter and pour onto the pan, immediately turning it so that the batter spreads to each end. Let it cook for 2-3 minutes until the edges start to curl upwards, then flip the crepe and cook on the other side for 1-2 minutes. Repeat for the rest of the crepes.

Serve with sweet pesto, fresh fruit and nut butter. Have a great breakfast!