Building Cellular Immunity with Immune·Essence™

Building Cellular Immunity with Immune·Essence™

Immune·Essence™ is Flora’s latest liquid herbal formula. This update to the Flor·Essence formula uses all the same, time-tested, original eight herbs for cleansing and adds in medicinal amounts of turkey tail mushroom and turmeric.

Turkey tail is a medicinal mushroom prized for its immunomodulating effects. Polysaccharides  and polyphenols in turkey tail support immune health by stimulating a variety of immune cells from within the innate and adaptive immune system.* Turkey Tail also has prebiotic effects in the colon, where it supports the growth of good bacteria, like Lactobacilli and Bifidobacteria. Burdock, slippery elm and kelp are also some of the Flor·Essence herbs that have prebiotic effects. Turmeric has antioxidant properties, stimulates digestion and supports healthy joints and connective tissue.*

Flora uses the whole, fruiting body of the turkey tail mushroom with nearly 3.5 grams in each daily dose. Turmeric powder comes in at just over 2 grams per daily dose. All in all, there’s more than 8 grams of herbs in each daily dose of the formula. The herbs are individually simmered, decocted and infused to create a powerful, concentrated immune formula.*

Together, this new formula acts as a tonic to build cellular health.* It’s a whole-body cleanse that aids the removal of wastes by supporting the liver, kidneys, lymphatic system, and digestive system. It also supports immune health by modulating, or balancing, the immune response. Immune cell stimulation is balanced with antioxidant effects to protect cells and tissue from free radical damage.*

This is the perfect formula for those with compromised immunity and digestion, who want to be proactive and preventative in their approach to health. Best taken daily for several weeks to months, Immune·Essence will rejuvenate your overall health and vitality so your body can adapt and respond to the challenges and stressors we face that can impair or weaken our immune response, digestive vigor and ability to remove wastes products.*

Bottled in glass, available in both 17 oz. and 32 oz. sizes, certified organic, kosher and non-GMO, Immune·Essence is a premiere, concentrated, herbal formula that provides the holistic, synergy of effects we need in order to truly support the health of our bodies from the cellular level on upwards. Use code Immune15 to save 15% off all week long on this new immune tonic from Flora.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Robert Dadd is a Master Herbalist (Dominion Herbal College) with a BA in Communications from Simon Fraser University. His areas of research include adaptogens, probiotics, and essential fatty acids. He is currently the Product Information Supervisor for Flora Manufacturing and Distributing.