Every Day is Earth Day at Flora

Earth Day is a time to celebrate our connectedness with the planet.

It is the ideal time to embrace a holistic view of health, one that encompasses the health of all our world’s species, waterways, and biospheres. With a focus on the principles of respect for all life and environmental stewardship, Flora and the brands we distribute choose sustainable and ethical business practices. We are committed to respecting the earth and its inhabitants, and this is reflected in the way we source ingredients and choose our packaging. We are also proud to support organic farmers, family-owned companies, and sustainable, ethical, women-driven enterprises engaging in equitable trade.
Buying products like Baobites (US/CA) and Sacha Inchi Oil (US/CA) support livelihoods in Peru and South Africa that offer an alternative to environmentally and culturally destructive industries.
Last year we told you about vegan products which reduce reliance on animals for nutrition, like our algae-based DHA (US/CA) and Floradix liquid iron (US/CA). This year, we are proud to say we now distribute Alaffia personal care products in Canada which epitomize holistic health. Alaffia hair & skin care products support personal health by reducing exposure to harmful ingredients. By using Alaffia, you can support maternal health and a healthy economy in Togo and even contribute to grassroots, women-driven industry and hope for a better future in West Africa.

We do our best to protect the Earth and to live the principles of Earth Day year-round.

Here at home, we minimize the waste we produce, conserve environmental resources, and educate staff on the importance of sustainability. We use biodegradable packing materials and tea bags and print on tree-free paper that uses waste from sugar cane and wheat straw rather than trees.
We have always prioritized the use of reusable, recyclable materials and are famous for our use of glass bottles with metals caps, instead of the ubiquitous plastic bottle and cap.
After years of research and constant striving to improve, we have invested in a new packaging machine. This will let us offer products like our probiotics in blister packs that have a smaller carbon footprint than our glass bottles. These packs are lighter, use less overall material, take up less space, and consume much less energy both in production and transport.

Flora wants our impact to be as positive as possible.

We have an active Health & Safety Committee that reviews all our procedures to ensure we avoid harmful chemicals and do not interfere with the sensitivities of our environment. To encourage biking to work, Flora provides a clean, secure, sheltered area for bicycles on site and lockers for cycling or running gear.
Flora also sponsors employees to take part in events like the Washington Traverse to encourage us to cycle, hike, and paddle.
Our staff members have been known to moonlight as kayaking, rock climbing and trail running instructors, fostering a love of the great outdoors in others.

What is your favorite way to express your love for the planet?

Is your daily transportation eco-friendly? Thomas Greither, Flora’s owner, loves to promote the use of electric vehicles among our staff and the public. Flora has given away E-bikes in the past, but Thomas is out to outdo himself:

Thomas is now giving away his own Tesla Model 3 to one lucky winner!

If you have not already entered, visit our website (US/CA) to enter the "Win Thomas’ Tesla" Sweepstakes! Good luck and happy Earth Day!
Dana Green Remedios, RHN, RNCP, has a passion for helping others break through their blocks to greater health, wealth, and happiness, working with transformational mind-body tools. The Vancouver-based educator and coach answers your questions in English, French, and Spanish as a Product Information Specialist at Flora, and is a regular contributor to the FloraHealthy blog.